Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I wish Martha Stewart wanted to adopt an adult

Every month, I wait like a kid waiting for Santa, for my Martha Stewart magazine to arrive.  I don't get much mail.  I'm really painting a pathetic picture here.  I've been reading Martha Stewart since I was 15, when I subscribed to the magazine without my mom's permission via Publishers Clearing House.  If we'd won, she would've felt SO bad for punishing me...

A lot of Martha's recipes can be intimidating and I've made the comment before, that no matter how exact I am, there are certain recipes she puts in those magazines that NONE OF US will ever be able to pull off.  Ever.  That's how Martha wants it.  Where in the heck am I going to get banana leaves to wrap halibut in?  Why do you leave me shaking my fists at the sky when all I do is love you?! 

Ok.  Enough swim fan.

The issue I received yesterday had a recipe I knew I couldn't mess up. It was for a grilled pizza with cheesy corn, fresh tomatoes, and basil.  I ended up doing a few changes (I'm so brave!), including making my own flat bread for the pizza, rather than the suggested frozen pizza dough.  I made mini pizzas with the flat bread, about the size of a salad plate. I also did this in my kitchen rather than on the grill. I'm really excited about sharing this recipe because this is something that could easily be adapted into something you can freeze and pull out on those unexpected crazy nights.  It's something you can top anyway you really want, according to your picky eaters...or if you're the picky eater.  But please try it this way, just once.  Because OMG, dudes...

Martha didn't let me down.

We don't own a grill, which is kind of weird.  But I've found, between a stove top grill and some cast iron skillets, you can get a lot of what you're after with just those things. 

Flat Bread

- 1 pkg dry active yeast
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 cup unbleached all purpose flour
- 3/4 cup whole wheat flour
- 1 tblsp honey or agave
- 1 tblsp olive oil
- 3/4-1 cup water

In a bowl, mix yeast, salt, and flours.  Stir in honey and olive oil and then, in a slow steady stream, mix in water until a dough starts to form.  On a floured surface, kneed dough until smooth and elastic.  Place dough in a greased bowl and cover.  Let rise in a warm place until doubled, or about an hour.

Heat a stove top grill or cast iron skillet on medium heat.  Do not oil the grill or skillet.  Divide the risen dough into 4 balls.  Roll out to about a 1/8".  Grill each of the flat breads on each side for 1-2 minutes, or until cooked through and lightly browned.

You can freeze these if you aren't going to use them right away.  Just let thaw for about an hour and top with whatever you want!

Parmesan Roasted Corn, Tomato, and Basil Flat Bread Pizzas

- 1 1/2 cups corn, canned or from about 2 ears
- 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese
- 1 clove of garlic, minced
- salt to taste
- 2 small tomatoes, sliced thin
- 4 to 6 oz mozzarella
- 1/2 cup fresh basil

In a dry cast iron skillet, cook corn over medium heat, stirring frequently until it starts to brown just a bit.  Remove from heat.  In a blender or food processor, pulse corn, Parmesan, garlic and salt until smooth with small chunks.

Preheat oven to 450.

Spread some of the corn mixture over each of the prepared flat breads. Top with mozzarella and tomatoes and a light sprinkle of salt.  Heat in the oven until the mozzarella is melted and the tomatoes are heated through, about 5-7 minutes.  Top with basil and serve.

Enjoy the crap out of it!

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