Monday, June 18, 2012

My (not so) strange addiction

Before I get too far into this healthy blogging deal, I feel like I should be honest about something.  Yes - I have always and do always try to eat healthy.  Try.  TRY.  But the truth is, once I hit college, I got addicted to sugar.  Chocolate, more specifically.  And here I am 10 years later, still addicted but with a slower metabolism, as 29 creeps up.

I guess I'm bringing this up because as I continue to post recipes for healthy food and pushing the vegetarian options, I want to be completely truthful that I am someone who has set backs.  I try to workout twice a day, 5 days a week.  I usually end up doing that maybe 3 days a week.  I try to eat a bowl of fruit for breakfast, a bowl of fruit with nuts for lunch, and one of the recipes I'm sharing on this blog, for supper.  And while I stick to that, if it's been a stressful day (and I'd say stressful days, in a world with twin toddlers, happen 7 out of 7 days) chocolate is inevitably in my future.  And I do the things that all the healthy eating articles say, where I don't buy sugar at the store when I do my weekly grocery shopping.  But that doesn't mean I can't go to the gas station.

The fact is sugar is addicting.  It's as addicting as cigarettes.  And the other fact is that I struggle with that.  I'm only human.  I am working towards completely cutting out refined sugar and have found agave nectar to be new best friend.  It's easily my favorite refined sugar replacement in recipes.  But the point is to cut back on any kind of sugar completely.  It's a hard thing to do and who knows if I'll ever kick the habit completely. 

Just know that this blog is more about STRIVING to eat healthy and to understand what's in the food that you are eating and that you're feeding your family.  It's about being ok with set backs and then moving forward and trying again. 

So I won't feel bad about this:

Ok, that's not quite the truth...

There it is.

At least I'm eating fresh peaches at the moment.

1 comment:

  1. Replace those Crunch bars with a box of Mike and Ikes and we're in business sister!
